
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Z Technologies has been at the forefront in performing advanced machine learning-driven solutions for various verticals and sectors that are working a crucial role in various aspects of the business rule. At Z Technologies, our platforms are produced efficiently using the best algorithms bundled with excellent data mining techniques that make the business process run efficiently.


Deep Learning

Natural language processing, speech recognition, image recognition are made easy with Google AI and machine learning products. Deep learning is becoming a driving force behind solving challenges in areas like:

  • Demand Prediction
  • Medical Diagnosis
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Customer Churn
  • Fraud Detection
  • Image Recognition


Human to Machine & Machine to Machine Solutions

Z Technologies framework provides enterprises to use interactive robotic automatic processes. It streamlines the routine tasks and applies high-end conversational technology, which replicates human-to-human, human-to-machine and machine-to-machine interactions:


  • Interactive Chatbots
  • Robotic Process Automation
  • Digital Assistant


Chatbot Development

Our team builds intelligent AI apps that are trained to interact with humans using touch sensing, voice recognition, language and intention recognition, and programmed decision-making. Bots are text-based programs powered by AI and natural learning processes that interact with users over a variety of platforms.

Chatbots are Used For:

  • Content Delivery
  • Hospitality and Travel
  • Customer Service Inquiries
  • Healthcare
  • E-Commerce